ABOUT JUBES Just have fun chewing! what else do you need to know about JUBES? Nata De Coco is a high fibre, low-calorie, preservative-free and cholesterol-free dessert. Which means it's a totally healthy refreshment that's equally good for your jaw muscles, stomach and general health, Now just imagine all the healthy power locked up in those tasty, chewy translucent cubes, soaked in light and clear syrup!

NUTRITION. JUBES is high in fibre and contains no cholesterol or artificial sweeteners or colouring. And since dietary of your digestive system, you can chew on these tasty and crunchable cubes of joy without any pangs of gulit. Hey, when was the last time you heard that being said of any real dessert that you can truly enjoy? In fact, you'd only be too pleased to know that indepedent researh has indicated that Nata De Coco can even help prevent a whole slew of common gastro-intestinal ailments. Hey, we told you JUBES is good, right? By itself, for your tastebuds, for your health, for you.

LYCHEE. Soft, gentle and throughly refreshing every way, it adds a pleasant and cooling edge to your juicy dessert.
original. Light but tasty, like a sea breeze on a tropical island. It isn’t just sweetness you’re siping, it’s the good taste at nature itself.
GRAPE. Be recharged by a gently refreshing taste. Start champing away and feel the difference a few cubes make.
Lime. Life needs perking up. So pop some extra zing and perky action into the mix with a tangy and refreshing dessert.
Mango. Enjoy a mellow tropical touch that’s pumped up with the sweet-tasting wholesome goodness of the popular fruit.
Strawberry. Need to cool down? Need to chill out? or is your sweet tooth crying out? Try this on for size. Specially blended for those who like it juicy and sweet.
Contact Us JUBES is always happy to hear from you. Tell us how much you enjoy chomping down every mouthful of tender, juicy JUBES or share with us your recipe ideas for new dessert combos featuring JUBES. We can be contacted via:
info@wongcoco.com (email)